Strong moms get sh!t done

You shouldn’t have to choose between being fit or being a mom. Be both.

Hey Mama – I see you.

You’re tired, and you want to have more energy.

You’re strong, but you’ve been treading water for far too long.

You’re stressed, and want to be able to enjoy quality time with your kids and family and friends.

I know you want to excel in your career, you want to be healthy for their kids as they grow, and perhaps you want to be as healthy as possible before getting pregnant again. Or perhaps, you’ve had your kids and want to reclaim your body as your own again. 

My guess is you’re tired of feeling like shit and constantly eating foods that you know are bad for you.

You feel like you never have enough hours in the day to actually do the things you need to get done.

I feel you on all of this – and I’ve been there. I believe moms like you deserve to not just barely survive motherhood, but you deserve to live a fulfilling life that is curated BY you, not demanded OF you. 


By learning how to become the hero of your story, and not the victim. 

Your questions probably include…

Do I need to give up chocolate and bread and coffee?

Do I have to eat only chicken and broccoli for the rest of my life?

I know what I should be doing…but why is it so hard to just do it?

I’m Connie Pastorius, and I’m a lot like you. I’ve had my struggles.

I was 5’8″ and plus-sized since middle school, AKA taller and bigger than all the guys and most of my friends.

After high school I decided to take my health into my own hands and fell so hard in love with fitness that I ended up with a Bachelor’s degree in health science and wellness from the  University of Pittsburgh and later became certified in Yoga.

I moved to NYC, and shortly after came my daughter. And let me tell you – my postpartum health experience SUCKED.

It was a physician’s assistant who asked if I felt depressed, but then that was the end of it. 5 minutes in and out.

I just went through the most traumatic physical experience of my life and you just ask a few questions and let me go? I felt crushed.

And that was the point where I shifted from coaching everyone, to focus on training and coaching moms.

Because we can’t be expected to just up and start exercising again after childbirth.

We need guidance from someone who advocates for SAFE fitness and nutrition practices, so women can start their journey back to themselves and heal properly in a way that can SUSTAIN them through motherhood.

But living healthy all the time is so hard, right?!

No, not really…

What a lot of women don’t understand is that they’ve been conditioned to think that you need to spend tons of money and hours in the gym to get what you want.  Working with me gives you the best of health coaching in a way that helps you become your best self, once and for all.

And there are many misconceptions about what a “healthy life” really is. You may think that it’s doing back-breaking workouts and drinking kale smoothies, but there’s so much more to life than being on a weird diet all the time. And you have so much more cool shit to accomplish in your life than wasting time micromanaging every calorie in and out.

What living healthy simply comes down to is taking a proactive approach to your life, instead of a reactive one. That’s how you become the hero instead of the victim. And I want to show you how.


I am a no-bullshit, nurturing fitness coach who integrates healthy habits, evidence-based behavior-change methods and  yoga philosophy into my coaching practice and daily life.

Why Choose Me As Your Coach?


Everyone is different and has a different exercise history, injury record, ability level and time availability. We work together to create a comprehensive, personalized approach to your goals. It’s not just lifting weights…it’s everything.

Keep Eating Your Favorite Foods

While what you do in the gym is extremely important, what you put inside of your body is equally important. But do you enjoy having an occasional glass of wine or iced cream sandwich? We can make it work.

A Mom Coaching Moms

I’m a mom of two under 5 years old. I know and understand that your struggles with health and fitness as a parent are different and unique. Your journey through motherhood is something that can only be understood by another mom.


Most people who go at it alone end up bailing on their goals because there’s no one there to cheer them on and keep them on track. We have multiple levels of accountability check ins so you work PAST your barriers, not get stopped by them.

Ready to work with me?

In-person sessions are 1 hour, with a minimum purchase of 10 sessions, and are available at Fitness Lounge locations in Astoria. Or train at your building’s fitness center! Packages start as low as $85/hr.

Virtual/Hybrid sessions are either 100% online or we meet 1x/month in person and then you have virtual support throughout the rest of the month. Pricing for virtual/hybrid coaching starts as low as $250/month.

Are we a good fit? Let’s find out before making a commitment. Click below to request a complimentary strategy session call with Coach Connie.